How to Save $325K Annually in Print, A Convincing Case Study
Coming back stronger than ever from the pandemic with a print management strategy is one of several ways to save your time and money. It helps protect the quality of your most important printed materials. Read our case study and how one of our customers did just that.

Your FedEx Guy Wants to Sell You Promotional Items?
FedEx is getting into the promotional products business? We thought it was a joke! They do a great job of getting a package from here to there. Anyone who thinks that’s all that matters for promotional items doesn’t know promo.

9 Fine Ways to Green Your Print Supply Chain
Eco-Friendly Print Ideas to Celebrate Earth Day Every Day! Happy Earth Day! And I say that proudly on behalf of Superior and the whole print-on-paper industry. If you read Thursday’s post, you know we have plenty to celebrate as one of the most recyclable products and...
Packaging Producers Listen Up! New York Bill 1185 Looks to Make You Pay with Extended Producer Responsibility Act
With NY Bill 1185, Not Going Green with Your Packaging May Cost You Green…But Going Green Will Pay Dividends! I want to use this post to call your attention to legislation currently working its way through the New York State Senate. New York Bill 1185 will...
Are Your N95 Masks Fake?
Mask Fraud Can Be Fatal It seems like some of the folks selling masks for COVID-19 these days ought to be wearing masks of a different kind. As reported here by the Advertising Specialty Institute (ASI) and all major networks, federal authorities recently seized 11...
Superior Business Solutions Earns Fifth Consecutive Best of Print & Digital Award
Thanks to Our Customers for the “High Five”! I’m excited. And grateful. And proud. For the fifth year in a row, Superior has been recognized as one of the very top companies in the print and digital industry. The independent survey research, conducted by Butler Street...
Time to Celebrate and Catch Up: Our 2020 Top 10 List!
Our Most-read Print and Promo Blog Posts of the Year I’d like to start today’s post with a big THANK YOU! Why? Well, this has been a very challenging but rewarding year. I’m grateful for the fact that even with all the distractions, traffic to this blog nearly doubled...
THE 2020 Luxe List of Promotional Gifts for Good Health, a Comfortable Home, and Great Adventure
Special Gifts for Special People Well, we’re quickly approaching the end of “what a year!” And, as I’ve mentioned in this space before, it’s a more important year than ever to remember your clients, prospects and key employees with holiday promotional gifts. But what...
COVID-19 Safety Grants Awarded for PPE and More!
Need PPE for Your Business? You Could Get Money. You WILL Get Help I like to think all my posts here have value. But today’s could really help your business cash in. It seems that money is starting to flow to businesses to help them keep their doors open in the face...
You Need to Protect Yourself When Ordering PPE
Navigating PPE Purchasing? Buyer Beware! Here’s Help If the COVID-19 situation has taught us anything, it has solidified the need to be proactive against not only the coronavirus, but seasonal flu and others. The need for businesses to protect themselves, their...
Part 2: A Case Study in Coming Through When Others Failed to Deliver
Here’s How We Delivered 7,000,000 NIOSH-Approved N95 and FDA-authorized Non-NIOSH Respirators On Thursday, I told the story of Superior stepping up to meet a critical need in Michigan. Other companies declined the request, and others were unable to deliver....
Stepping Up to Save Lives by Delivering 7 Million N95’s – A Case Study
How We Supplied 7 Million NIOSHI-approved N95 and FDA-authorized Non-NIOSHI Respirators When Others Failed – Case Study PPE. N95. Respirators. These terms were unfamiliar to most Americans not long ago. But they have dominated the media as healthcare systems,...
$19.99/Gallon Industrial Liquid Sanitizer Low-Pricing Offer!
Essential Product. Essential Price. Today’s post will be short but sweet. Accent on “sweet” – when you consider the price we’re offering on must-have industrial liquid sanitizer. If you follow this blog, you know that Superior has taken the lead in sourcing and...
How to Create an Online Company Store for Employees
An online company store for employees is a terrific idea and our Corporate Kiosk™ is an outstanding way to build one. But many businesses are missing a great e-procurement opportunity to get much more than they think from a company store. Here’s why.

Buy Gallon Sized Gel Hand Sanitizer With Pump to Fight COVID & Get Back to Work Safely
Now Your Plans to Protect Employees and Customers Can Really “Gel” I’m proud that Superior has become the place to find the PPE businesses need for coronavirus. And it seems that each week, we are able to source and deliver more and more important products...
Superior Help When Your Business Needs It
Don’t need PPE now? If your need for PPE should change in the future, please keep us in mind for the high-quality, low pricing, and in-stock items you need. We also offer branded protective counter barriers and popular promotional kits with PPE to battle...
COVID-19 PPE Essentials Catalog
Seeking PPE For Your Business? We’ve Got Your Back If yours is one of the many businesses feeling stress right now, you know that a solid supply of personal protection equipment (PPE) will take away some of that uncertainty. I have more to tell you, but let me...
In-Stock Gallons of Liquid Sanitizer for Coronavirus Ship in 24 Hours!
Liquid Sanitizer Helps Keep Employees and Customers Safe This post is a little unusual, because today this blog is the right place, at the right time, with the right product. The bottom line: it’s a gallon of hand sanitizer. It’s the right kind of sanitizer. (More on...