4 Promotional Kit Ideas for Holiday Corporate Gifting! Part 3: Road Trip
Today we’re continuing our series of posts featuring exceptional promotional kits for holiday corporate gifting. Promotional gifts that help them make memories and remember you.

4 Promotional Kit Ideas for Holiday Corporate Gifting! Part 2: Let’s Get Cooking (with Case Study)
These Cooking Kits Will Help Stoke Your Business Relationships Okay, time to put your “Santa” hat on again. We’re back with part two of our special series suggesting some exceptional holiday promotional gifts for employees, clients and top prospects. Last week, in our...
4 Promotional Kit Ideas for Holiday Corporate Gifting! Part 1: Wellness Tool Kits (with Case Study)
Holiday Promotional Kitting Ideas! Wellness Tool Kits Promote Your Brand – with Case Study In a recent post, I strongly recommended that you order your corporate holiday gifts earlier than usual this year. Pandemic-related supply chain issues could continue to...
Print Management One-Stop Shop for Automotive Dealers
The Most Profitable “Utility Vehicle” Your Dealership Will Ever Have It’s not a car, truck, or SUV. This “vehicle” is a print management partnership that will help you save resources, time, and money by coordinating the procurement of everything in your...
How Can We Help You?
Don’t Just Pick Up the Pieces…Pick Up the Pace! Back to the office. Back to your regular course of business, and your familiar customers. It feels good, but for most of us, somehow unsettled. The pandemic has affected everyone but in many different ways. Its...
Test Your Knowledge with These 24 Label Printing Terms
Think You Know Labels, Eh? We’ll See! Today’s post could be a big help to people who are not too familiar with custom labels but have been charged with purchasing and sourcing them for their business. Veteran label-buyers will also find it interesting. Labels seem...
Is THIS How Fed Ex Serves Their Promo Clients?
Sure, Things Happen. But Have They Bitten Off More Than They Can Ship? I came across an interesting article about one of our new competitors in the promotional products industry. And I call them competitors with tongue in cheek. FedEx recently announced plans to try...
Invest in This Print Powerhouse To Increase Sales
The New “Old School” Way to School Your Competition It wasn’t too long ago that I felt the need to post, more than once, that print marketing wasn’t “dead” as those with a digital bias were fond of claiming. Fortunately, those days are gone. Today, people are...