3 Business Takeaways From New Print On Demand Paris Bookstore
Efficiency Gives Customers the Print-On-Demand Experience They Want Wait, what’s this? A new bookstore opening? You’ve all heard the pronouncements that print is dead in one way or another. Well, the opening – or re-opening – of this print-on-demand...How To Convert Prospects Into Customers with Variable Print On Demand Marketing
Personalize Your Marketing to Convert Prospects Direct Mail is one of the most powerful and cost effective ways to generate business leads. Surveys show that personalized communications dramatically increase response rates. Variable-data printing is a form of...
BIG News in Print-on-Demand…Large Format Automated PrePress is HERE!
Here Is Some BIG News in Print-on-Demand to Help Your Business NOW! I’d like to think I always bring you good information, but today I’m bringing you good news. Print-on-demand, one of the most effective marketing tools I know of, is now available for wide-format...
Variable Print-On-Demand Helps Boost Under-Performing Piggly Wiggly Store
Customized Mailing a “Pig” Success If you follow this blog regularly, you know that I often sing the praises of variable print-on-demand. It’s a great way to customize information for individual customers and prospects to addresses their unique situations and...
On-Demand-Print Saved Them Nearly $1 Million. How Much Could Your Organization Save?
On-Demand-Print Saves Money. And Builds Business. Last week, I wrote about the benefits of managed print services. There were many, but the one that probably captured most people’s attention was variable on-demand print. (It probably didn’t hurt that I mentioned a...
The Best Print On-Demand Partner for Anything You Put Ink On!
Make Quality Connections With Customers and Prospects In a few recent posts, I have talked about the value of print-on-demand. We’ve been doing it for a long time and have the experience to know what we’re talking about. That’s important, and my topic today. Here’s...
Making Print-On-Demand Work Like Magic
Not Hocus-Pocus, But Marketing Focus Almost any company would agree with this statement: a great salesperson can quickly determine a prospect’s main areas of interest or concern and address those areas effectively. But that can only happen with a sales call or phone...
Print-On-Demand Solution Saves State Agency Nearly $1 Million
Print-on-Demand Turns Creativity into Productivity If you are a regular reader, you know I am a big believer in the efficiency of our variable print-on-demand technologies. The benefits are just so obvious. First, it gives you the ability to update and/or customize...
How to Save $325K Annually in Print, A Convincing Case Study
Coming back stronger than ever from the pandemic with a print management strategy is one of several ways to save your time and money. It helps protect the quality of your most important printed materials. Read our case study and how one of our customers did just that.

Commercial Print Management from the Winners of Best of Print & Digital
Our Customers Make the Case For Us Things are finally starting to get “back to normal.” But why settle for that, when you can get your company back to “better than normal?” We recently shared a bit of good news with you. But it’s good news for you too, because you can...
9 Fine Ways to Green Your Print Supply Chain
Eco-Friendly Print Ideas to Celebrate Earth Day Every Day! Happy Earth Day! And I say that proudly on behalf of Superior and the whole print-on-paper industry. If you read Thursday’s post, you know we have plenty to celebrate as one of the most recyclable products and...
8 Trends in Printing for 2021. Let’s Save Time & Money
Look In Here for What’s Going On Out There! Okay, just a little warning: I am pumped, excited, and invigorated today. Why? Well, we just had our annual sales meeting, where we listened to some incredible and inspiring vendors present to us. They told us about...Print Management Case Study
Commercial Print Management Case Study Rentokil North America A Division of Rentokil Initial plc (LON: RTO), World’s Largest Pest Control Company Lines of Business Pest Control Services Interior Landscapes Chemical Distribution Lake Management Food Safety & Brand...Commercial Print Management
Contact us today to see how our proven ISO-Certified commercial print management solutions can work for you! Our on-demand and warehousing systems can reduce you print spend and increase efficiencies.

Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery Services – Part 2: Choosing the Best Print Center for “At Ready” Outsource Work
Have Your Print Center “At Ready” for Outsource Work and Help Your Business Survive Increased Demand…or Impending Disaster In Tuesday’s post, I talked about the importance of having a Business Continuity (BC) and Disaster Recovery (DR) plan in place....
Is Digital Better Than Print for Training Employees?
Training is Learning – and People Learn Better with Print First, let’s be clear: I appreciate the value of all things digital. They play a major role in our lives, and I access information digitally every day. But the COVID-19 situation that businesses are currently...
Green Your Print Supply Chain with These 20 Eco-Friendly Print, Packaging & Label Solutions
Print That Saves Our Planet—What’s New That We Can Do? With COVID-19 dominating the news every hour, you might be wondering “what on earth can we talk about instead?” Well – how about…the earth? Did you remember or even know that Earth Day is April 22? I...
Why the K.I.S.S. Method Applies to Your Industry’s Print Needs
Kiss Time and Money-wasting Practices GOODBYE Whatever industry you are part of, I’ll bet two things are true. First, business isn’t getting any easier. New challenges seem to arrive daily, through competition, regulation, technology and a dozen other things....
Need an Industrial Label Printer? Here’s How to Work with a Winner
For the Best Industrial Labels, Stick to Experience I’d like to challenge you to think about two things today. The first one is what some custom labels must go through. No, not those arty little labels on wine bottles and fine cosmetics. Here, I’m talking about labels...
How Top Executives Save Big Money on Print
Why Managed Print Services? Part 2: They’re Profitable On Tuesday, I discussed the benefits of managed print services for businesses of all sizes. With an experienced print management partner looking out for you, your company will see reduced printing and promotional...