Protect Your Time in 2017 and Print-On-Demand

We’ve spoken here before about our love-hate relationship with technology. We appreciate the efficiency of new developments can bring. But we also feel more and more pressure to keep up—to stay current. As one friend put it, it often feels like “the more we read, the less we know.” As a society, this endless stream of “breakthroughs” seems to have given us shorter attention spans and less ability to keep what we’ve learned. My proposed answer for 2017? Don’t fall for every technology that makes news. Focus on the ones that make a difference like print-on-demand.

Print-On-Demand Will Definitely Make Your Business Life Easier

Print-on-demand is a pretty simple concept. And it’s a better approach to everything from the most basic business forms to the most involved and complex printing project. That’s because, first, you print what you need only when you need it. Second, you print it through an online portal where all the decisions about the printed piece have already been made and templates approved.

Our Corporate Kiosk™ print-on-demand technology removes virtually every costly and annoying hassle from dealing with your print needs. Designated people in different departments and locations use the online portal to choose materials that you have already approved and made available. Choices can include forms, documents, sell sheets, brochures, and any others relevant to your business. The process saves time. It saves money. It prevents headaches.

Your Whole Company Benefits from Print-On-Demand

Corporate Kiosk will certainly make life easier for you and your managers. That’s because you don’t have to worry about quality variances, unproven suppliers or elevated prices caused by rogue ordering. That’s worth plenty.

But it will also improve the working lives of everyone involved in handling printing projects at your company. Employees responsible for ordering will appreciate a streamlined process that doesn’t ask them to become printing experts several times a year. Since Corporate Kiosk makes ordering fast and simple, they get to focus on their own jobs.

Sales reps get the comfort and security of knowing they have access to the right materials when they need them. They also get the ability to customize them if desired to fit each sales call. Finally, your accounting people get predictable, properly documented tracking of print jobs and instant reports.

Demand a Better Quality of Life with Print-On-Demand

Take control of your time and make your life easier in 2017 with print on demand technology. Contact us today and ask for a free 15-minute consultation on Corporate Kiosk.

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