THE 2020 Luxe List of Promotional Gifts for Good Health, a Comfortable Home, and Great Adventure
Special Gifts for Special People Well, we’re quickly approaching the end of “what a year!” And, as I’ve mentioned in this space before, it’s a more important year than ever to remember your clients, prospects and key employees with holiday promotional gifts. But what...
7 Signage Options to Let the Public Know You’re Back in Business
Your Business Isn’t Back Till Customers Know It The COVID-19 situation isn’t over. So our efforts to help you and your business get through it successfully are continuing, as well. We will continue to help you acquire the PPE items you need to battle...
6 Sales Enablement Tools to Aid Your Business in COVID-19 Recovery
When Rebuilding Your Business, Bring Along This Tool Kit No question – businesses are suffering during the COVID-19 outbreak. But we at Superior haven’t thrived for nearly 100 years by hiding from reality, but rather by helping business through it. We have fully...
Custom Tents & Razor Sail Signs to Keep Your Critical Business OPEN During COVID-19
Essential Promotional Marketing Tools for Essential Businesses Social distancing and stay at home are important messages right now. But people still need to eat, take medicines, keep their cars functional, and do other critical things. And if you operate an “essential...
5 Winning Ways to Use Promotional T-shirts
How Popular Are Promotional T-Shirts? Well, in a 2019 study, we learned that 80% of consumers own promotional t-shirts, 63% of consumers keep them for over a year and 47% keep them for TWO YEARS OR LONGER. That’s a lot of ROI for your marketing dollar and proves how great they are for a promotional gift or giveaway.

THE Latest LUXE List of Promotional Gifts for Your Key Players
Special Promotional Gifts for Those Special to Your Business We talked about corporate holiday gifts in recent posts. But today I’m going to focus on corporate gifts for the people you want to focus upon most. We shared our list of luxe promotional gifts last year but...
This Tip Creates Business Cards That Sell
Create Business Cards That Work to Avoid the Wastebasket Most business people have a love-hate relationship with business cards. It’s great when they lead to a profitable relationship. But they are more often a “necessary evil” and do little good. As it turns out,...
6 Sales Tips to Turn Your Holiday Selling Season from Ho-Hum to Ho-Ho-Ho
Don’t Write Off the Holidays When You Could Be Writing Up Sales Sure, there are people who complain that the holiday season has become “too commercial.” But for most of us, shopping, going to festively decorated malls and buying presents is a real part of...
36 Promotional Kits Your Prospects Won’t Forget: Part 2 – The Total List
Promotional Kitting Builds Connections…and Business This week I am focusing on promotional kitting. In Tuesday’s post, I explained why promotional kits and bundles are top of the list for memorable and effective corporate gifts. And I described a few of the very best...
9 Sales & Marketing Enablement Services That Build Business: Part 2
Marketing Enablement Helps Prospects Become Customers In my last post, I began a short series on how sales and marketing enablement can help maximize the results of your sales efforts. It covered three sales enablement services that set the stage for a more focused...
9 Time-Saving Sales & Marketing Enablement Services
Save Time and Build Business With Sales Enablement—Part 1 of 2 You’re in business for a reason. Even if you love every minute on the job, your primary goal is to make sales (Or with a non-profit or advocacy group, change opinions or perceptions). You will benefit from...
5 Lessons in Business Your Team Can Learn from Football
Pigskin Proverbs Can Be Profitable for You I’m a sports fan and the proud father of a college athlete. With football season coming up, I started thinking about what high school, college and pro football teams are hearing from their coaches right now. And it occurred...
The Best Sales Enablement Tools to Win MORE Business
To Sell More, Sell Smarter Sales are hard. I know that might be voted “worst news flash of the day.” But it’s worth reminding yourself that earning a prospect’s business doesn’t come easily, even to the most charming and experienced sales representatives. So today I’d...
A Dozen Don’t Miss Blogs for Sales Reps: Part Two
You’re Either Learning…or Losing Ground In last Thursday’s post, I shared my picks for the first six of 12 top blogs for sales reps. Today, I want to complete the list. In all, they are a very eclectic group; some are based heavily on stats, others tell...
A Dozen Don’t Miss Blogs for Sales Reps
How Kite Fishing Can Improve Your Sales Results Huh? Let me explain. There are countless blogs for sales reps, but one of the best is authored by Jill Konrath. Why? She has a quirky, but engaging style that draws you in. When I noticed her post titled “Tackling the...
Increasing Loyalty and Sales in Current Customers. How Can It Be Done?
Promotional Marketing Turns Good Customers into Better Ones Hope you had a great Labor Day. But it’s time for me to get back to what truly is a “labor of love”–helping make your business more successful. Today we continue our current series on promotional...
The Best Ways to Demotivate Your Team
Are Your Workers Inspired—or Indifferent? For the last couple of weeks, I’ve been talking about how to inspire your team. This all started with a fascinating article I read in Forbes. Its key point is that you can’t motivate others; that comes from within. The best...
Try This EASY Tip to Help You Remember Things
Take Note: Handwritten Notes Work Best. Want to Remember It? Write It, Don’t Type It I find this very interesting, and maybe you will, too. But just this week I noticed still another article talking about the downside of taking notes by computer instead of taking...