Stop Wondering About QR Codes and Start Winning

Chances are that lately, you’ve heard QR codes discussed more often at industry meetings and trade publications. A little odd, since some folks had pronounced QR codes “dead” years ago. But it’s also quite exciting. That’s because marketing creativity has increased QR code effectiveness to where they are earning new respect and contributing to more sales than ever.

Just a Bigger, Uglier Bar Code, Right?

Uh, no. Just a bigger, more marketing-friendly opportunity. That odd little square with unusual markings in it can accomplish a great deal for your business. Bar codes are great for tracking products and packages and keeping logistics flowing.

But QR codes go a long way towards encouraging the very sales and generating the orders that those shipments are fulfilling. That’s why smart marketers are “re-embracing” them in today’s marketplace. Let’s look at how and why those QR codes work so well.

3 Ways QR Codes Will Work for YOUR Business

1. Turning Print into “Print PLUS”

Certainly, “digital” platforms are prominent today. But they haven’t even remotely “replaced” print. If anything, they have made print more valuable and effective than ever.

A QR code can be added to any form of print, including ads, packages, catalogs, even billboards! When a consumer scans it with a technology built into nearly every smartphone today, that piece of print is energized. It catapults the reader to the digital world, via a website, a landing page, or a variety of other possibilities we’ll discuss in a moment. Scanning is like rubbing a magic lamp, transporting the consumer into a virtual one-on-one meeting with you.

2. A QR Code is a Treasure Map

Oh, it can connect to an actual map, too, by the way; providing consumers clear directions to your business. But here, I’m mostly talking about exciting things like sweepstakes or contest entries, an event invitation, recipes, helpful information—whatever you are offering them. And they benefit.

With QR codes, print doesn’t just “sit there” being read. It’s a link directly to “what’s in it for me” from the consumer’s viewpoint. And that’s a great place to be. Marketing-wise, it’s, uh, marketing wise.

3. QR Codes Help Promotional Items Pack More Punch

You know how I feel about promotional items. They are already the most appreciated form of advertising you can use for your business. People love promotional items, keep them around, and think more favorable of the companies behind them.

Nearly 80% of consumers (and 87% of millennials) have sought more information about a brand after receiving a promotional product. Why not put a QR code right on the item along with your logo? A quick scan gives the recipients of your promo item instant access to that “more information” they seek. No chance to get distracted and forget.

It’s Uncanny What a Scan Can Do

If you’ve heard enough about the value of QR codes, call us already. We have several great tips and insights to offer in making your use of QR codes more valuable to consumers. Which, in turn, makes them more effective for your business.

And if you’re not quite convinced, you really need to talk to us We’ve been helping businesses improve their sales efficiency for early a century. Our ISO certification ensures you will receive our powerful, proven processes. And a quick “scan” of our customer feedback will show you why we’ve earned three consecutive Best of Print and Digital awards based on that feedback.

Contact Superior today; we’ll help you identify custom ways to use QR codes effectively for your business. They’re only two letters in the alphabet, but they are a great way to start experiencing our A to Z customer service.

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