It’s the Time

Want to grow your business or organization? Here’s a tip: spend more time on it. But before you roll your eyes, notice I didn’t say anything about working harder or longer hours. I simply mean spending more time on your actual business by tapping an experienced partner to handle your promotional items and print management services.

It’s the same principle as in your personal life. Maybe you could change your own oil or install a new faucet or many other jobs. But chances are, a pro who does those jobs for a living will do it more efficiently (and admit it – probably better). Plus, you have other things to do.

In your company, those “other things to do” include winning new business, servicing clients and making business decisions. For your employees, it’s focusing on their prime responsibilities instead of unfamiliar, one-off projects. Like getting materials printed and acquiring promotional items.

The Best Thing to Do is to Know What NOT to Do

Let’s take a quick look at why a knowledgeable partner can make such a difference in these two areas.

  1. Promotional Products Management

Many companies still treat promotional products as a necessity for trade shows, or just an extra way to hype a new offering. A professional partnership “raises your game” in many ways, providing benefits including:

  • Strategic focus that helps you decide when and for what purpose promotional products are the best choice.
  • Better choices, since that partner knows what works and what doesn’t, and can help you choose unique and appropriate products for your industry and your need.
  • A longer list of proven suppliers who can deliver the quality and timing you need at the most favorable pricing possible (At Superior, we have nearly 2,000.)
  • Warehousing, kitting and fulfillment as necessary, to take that load off employees
  • Streamlined e-procurement (your own company store) that simplifies the acquisition of items across your entire enterprise for consistency and cost control
  1. Print Management and Procurement

Printing needs cover a broad spectrum, from everyday forms used in your business to beautiful brochures, catalogs and sales materials that carry your image like few other vehicles. The former help business run smoothly; the latter can help you win more business to run!

  • Business forms, invoices and sell sheets at their best are consistent, accurate, and ready when needed. A print management partner is the best way to ensure that happens. Superior’s Corporate Kiosk™, for example, offers an online portal that enables selected employees in every location to access preapproved forms and have them delivered when and where needed. No mistakes, no rogue orders to cause client or budget problems.
  • One-off promotional materials requiring digital, litho and offset printing also benefit greatly. Superior’s E(c3) print management and e-procurement technology is a centralized print processing platform that allows the bidding and sourcing of specialty projects to qualified vendors. This protects quality while taking advantage of scheduling availabilities to get lower pricing.

Two Ways to Make Your Organization More Productive

It’s not rocket science. But it is science, in a way. An experienced partner knows the territory better than you do. That alone improves the quality of the print projects and promotional items you present in the name of your company. but it also maximizes your performance. You and your employees do what you do best, not the chore of the day. So your company benefits there, too.

Call it a timely business decision. A two-pronged attack on the inefficiency your business can no longer afford.

One Way to Get Started Now

You’re not likely to find a more experienced and accomplished partner than Superior. We’ve been making businesses more efficient for 95 years. And our ISO certification means that little is left to chance; our systems and procedures are documented and rigorously evaluated to ensure that they deliver customer value.

Our customers have also provided feedback that has earned us three consecutive Best of Print and Digital awards. (I know that sounds like a lot of boasting, but to me, those seem like solid criteria for picking a partner.)

So let your employees get back to their real jobs, and you get in contact with Superior today for a free promotional products audit and a print management review. I’m sure you can find something to do with the time and money you’ll save.

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