Sales and Marketing TeamsMany companies face the same issues of having the sales and marketing teams on two different pages. This creates a lot of holes in the sales cycle and equates to less sales. Having the sales and marketing team on the same page is not an option, it’s a must! When the two departments work together there are less lost opportunities. Below are some of the best ways to get the sales and marketing team on the same page, so that you can make the most out of every prospect.

  • Lead Scoring – When scores are mutually agreed upon it forces both teams to work together and create objectives that are along the same line.
  • Unified platform – Having one platform will force both teams to work together within the same platform. This will is a great place for all of the various communications to be recorded so that everyone is on the same page.
  • Automated Systems – Use technology solutions that seamlessly automate the sharing of lead data across marketing and sales. Use this data to drive real-time nurturing, and triggered alerts to notify both sales and marketing of actions your prospects are taking.
  • Reports – Create reports that can be shared between the two marketing and sales, and use these reports to manage expectations and discuss results. Be sure to measure conversion to opportunities, and assess quality and value. An integrated dashboard can help illustrate results and plans without generating excessive reports.
  • Tracking – Make sure that you are tracking SEO and social media efforts closely, so that everyone is informed about where the leads are coming from.

As you can see there are many ways to keep both, sales and marketing, teams on the same page so that you can turn more prospects into customers. What processes have you found most helpful with your process?

Photo courtesy of flickr

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