Do People Use QR Codes? “Quick Response” is a Business Necessity

Do people use QR codes? People ask me that question from time to time, and I understand why. It’s because certain “too cool for the room” techies pronounced QR codes dead years ago, and apparently haven’t opened their eyes since.

I have discussed this several times, and my position has never changed. QR codes are not only valuable for marketing and many other purposes today, but they are more relevant than ever. That’s because today, expectations are different, for both millennials and those of us who are, uh, not.

“Now” Is Good

That could be a catch phrase for our fast-paced lifestyle today. We want things when we want them, with little tolerance for delay. Almost everything comes with an on-demand option. That’s why “links” are the currency in today’s communication platforms, helping us navigate quickly from one thing to another.

A QR code is the ultimate link. Most contemporary smartphones come with a scanning app built right in, and they are very easy to download to older phones. That permits a consumer to gain instant access to more information, a compelling presentation (even in audio or video) or hundreds of other possibilities.

Making Print More Powerful

QR codes on printed materials effectively make those materials “digital.” A beautiful, often full-color printed piece engages consumers in ways that digital cannot. With a simple scan and click, a QR code can take that consumer’s interest to another level, unlocking the complete story.

The QR code can deliver prospects to a company website or special landing page designed to house contest, event registration or another special purpose. It can deliver a map and directions to a business. Or it can trigger a video or other interaction that brings a sale closer to completion.

Without a QR code, a printed piece fails to take advantage of a valuable secret weapon. With one, it is an ideal way to attract customer interest and convert that interest into a sale more quickly. Make sure your next print advertisement or direct mail piece has one.

QR Codes for Digital Media

You will find QR codes on electronic and social media platforms, as well. They provide attention-getting visual links to other pages and more information, just as they do in printed pieces. And note that those platforms themselves use QR codes to help engage people in their offerings.

Social sharing sites like Instagram use QR codes in their printed pieces to draw customers. App developers use QR codes to link interested potential users to sites where they can download the app directly.

QR Codes as Creative Tools

Businesses are just scratching the surface in coming up with exciting new ways to use QR codes in their marketing. The percentage of people scanning QR codes is growing, and as that familiarity grows, so will creative applications of the technology.

QR codes with artwork in a museum allow easy and personal access to the story behind it. On business cards, they provide links to the company’s website. An artist can use a QR code on the business card to link to an online portfolio. On packaging, it can link to assembly instructions, a confidence-inspiring look at the manufacturer, or a charming back-story for a local or family business.

Take Advantage of Our Quick Response

With our experience, you can take full advantage of QR code technology. We’ve been helping businesses work more efficiently for nearly 100 years. And our ISO certification ensures that our proven processes are put to work for every client.

And those processes work. Our customers’ reviews have earned us three consecutive Best of Print and Digital awards. Contact Superior today to learn how QR codes or our other advanced capabilities can help your business thrive. When it comes to increasing sales, “now’ is good, right?

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