Take Out the Chaos, Take Out the Cost.

In Tuesday’s post, I discussed how e-procurement technology could add accuracy and efficiency in getting custom labels. That reminded me it was probably time to remind you once again what e-procurement can do for many aspects of your operation. Effective print management adds a great deal to your business productivity, largely by subtracting other things, like excess costs, avoidable errors and wasted employee time.

E-procurement enhances your core productivity from the acquisition of parts and materials on a just-in-time basis to inventory control and management. In logistics, it provides immeasurable help in the accurate and efficient distribution of products. In addition, it aids in the tracking of individual products and shipments for maximum data analysis and compliance with food traceability and other federal standards.

With E-Procurement, the Benefits Will Be Hard to Miss

Print management incorporating e-procurement generates improvement throughout your organization. It’s easy to come up with a dozen benefits your company will experience without even trying. With Corporate Kiosk™ (our advanced e-procurement technology) in place, you will:

  1. Streamline the procurement process

Get printed forms, tags, and labels easily through a web portal. Far fewer employees and employee hours must be spent on it.

  1. Reduce administrative costs through workflow automation

Authorized employees order and re-order from a list of materials pre-approved by you. And it happens through a web portal, so it requires little or no personal attention from you or other employees to make an order happen.

  1. Ensure compliance with corporate purchasing rules

Corporate Kiosk brings standardization to all the facilities and offices across your enterprise. No need for you or employees to spend additional time shopping, sourcing and monitoring order deliveries. This prevents “rogue” orders, helping to protect your corporate image and deliver a consistent messaging and imagery.

  1. Generate mass adoption driven by ease-of-use and a unified ordering experience

Corporate Kiosk is very easy to use and is accessed the same way across your enterprise. Employees will love that consistency and appreciate the timesaving benefit.

  1. Realize instant ROI with no new capital expenditure

You don’t “buy” the Corporate Kiosk technology. Use it to manage your printing, custom labels and more, as efficiently as possible. That increases your profitability without sinking capital into equipment or systems.

  1. Integrate e-procurement with existing ERP and other procurement systems

Corporate Kiosk and our other advanced technologies are certainly capable of standing alone. But we designed them to work seamlessly alongside existing corporate systems such as enterprise resource planning and other helpful mechanisms.

  1. Provide greater transparency in administration.

With e-procurement, all numbers and agreements are accepted and promoted clearly.

  1. Implement paperless, eco-friendly procurement

With everything accessed through a web portal, the need for paperwork is reduced. And, while trees (and paper) are a renewable resource, it’s a step in a more productive direction to handle it all via computer, tablet or smartphone.

  1. Closely monitor spend

Controlling costs is a huge part of every marketing plan these days. Corporate Kiosk helps you do just that. It provides a real-time look at the marketplace and its competitors.

  1. Eliminate the limitations of distance for distributed organizations.

No matter the number of locations or offices your company must embrace, Corporate Kiosk helps ensure everyone is “on the same page.” Authorized employees in different locations order the materials they need from the same pre-approved list. Shipment is direct to them. They’re integrated into your corporate vision, rather than isolated from it.

  1. Eliminate procurement cost differences between departments.

This one is easy. The shopping is done, the “groceries” are already in the cupboard. You just have to grab the right ones. Prices are all established in advance, so no new “shopping” has to occur.

  1. Generate on-demand inventory, procurement and spend reporting.

Staying informed is a necessity in business today. Corporate Kiosk can provide constant, near real-time information that aids in inventory management, cost control and in creating a full spend report.

The Substantial Benefits of Working with Superior

With nearly 100 years of helping small businesses under its belt, Superior Business is uniquely qualified to bring the advantages of quality print management to yours. Our ISO certification keeps us constantly improving our systems to deliver the best possible results. Our two consecutive Best of Print and Digital awards indicate our customers appreciate us in helping build their businesses.

Contact Superior now to see how your company benefits from our Corporate Kiosk e-Procurement technology.

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