Helpful Tip for Direct Mail: “Item-ize” It Recently, I came across an interesting blog post. It focused on how to make direct mail more effective. The author was knowledgeable, and she made some good suggestions. But she forgot the most proven “tactic” of...
When Millennials Spend Time With Your Direct Mail Campaign, They Spend Money, Too I came across an interesting article in MediaPost a couple weeks back. The USPS reported results of a study that showed millennials (yes, that oh-so-wired generation) respond to direct...
Direct Mail Is Still Relevant If you read my last post, you’ll know that direct mail is not dead or even dying. It might be easy to think that direct mail is out of date, but that rumor is more or less a product of the “paperless office” fad that’s already cooling....
Direct Mail in an E-Mail World With all the recent talk about a ‘paperless office,’ it’s easy to think that direct mail is out of date, archaic, a waste of time and resources. Direct mail lives in an e-mail world, so it can’t be as important. Think again. Direct mail...