Being involved in social media is a must for every business. Social media is a great tool to gain exposure, create new business contacts and deepen existing relationships with customers. There are 4 major platforms that you should definitely be involved in which are Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Blogs. Please keep in mind that your target audience may not be in all of these areas so it’s important to find out where they are and put the majority of your effort there. The most popular platform right now is Facebook. There are over 695 million users on Facebook. Since there are a lot of businesses on this platform as well, it is that much more important to make sure that you are putting your best foot forward. Below are some key tips to making an impact with your Facebook Page:

  • Create an iFrame. This is the page that you will want people to land on first when they search your company on Facebook. The design should stand out and the copy should entice people to like your page. If you need help setting it up, then HubSpot is a great resource. They give step by step directions on how to get an iFrame application and design your tab.
  • Fill out ALL your information. Make sure that you start with the first tab on the edit page and work your way down. Some of the items include, writing about your company and uploading images.
  • Keep your page updated. People are coming to connect with your company, so it’s important that you keep up to date information on there. Make sure that you update your status at least 2 times a week. Updates can be company news, industry news, trade show information, pictures or just interesting/fun facts.
  • Create contest. People love winning things! Contests are a great way to gain new followers and also increase interaction on your page. When you create a contest make sure to promote it off line as well as online on your other social platforms.
  • Measure. Look at your analytics every month to see what type of content is creating the most interaction and what content is not. This will help you narrow down the types of post you should be putting up. Also, make sure to track contest to see which ones work best with your target audience.

Facebook does take a lot of time to set up and get started at the beginning, but once you get the hang of it the only thing that is very time consuming is the constant monitoring and replying to comments. Depending on how your company is structured you may want to delegate this work to one person or a group of people. This way the communication style is the same and there is not any confusion on who is responsible for what. Has your Facebook Page made an impact?

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