Promotional Items Build Loyalty: Part 5 of 6

This week, we’ll wrap up our series on the benefits of advertising with promotional items, A recent Promotional Product Association International (PPIA) consumer survey looked at how promotional items impact your target audience from five different perspectives. These “Five R’s of Promotional Products” tell a very convincing story.

So far in our series we’ve talked about the ability of promotional items to do several things very well. First, they reach your target audience. Second, they help consumers recall you and their connection to you. Third, they resonate—that is, fit into consumers’ lives as a welcome addition, not an unwelcome interruption. Today, I’d like to focus on reaction.

Promotional Items Move Your Prospects

In the end, it is how a consumer reacts to your advertising effort that makes all the difference. This is true of a print ad, TV spot, billboard, online ad or any other marketing vehicle. It has little value if it doesn’t generate action on the part of consumers. So it’s critical to realize that promotional items leave the others in the dust when it comes to sparking interest and inspiring action.

What kind of “actions” are we talking about? Here are two great examples.

  • Learning More About Your Brand. First, survey results show that roughly eight in 10 consumers say they have looked up a brand after receiving a promotional product. Even more surprising, that percentage rises to 87% among Millennials.
  • Preferring Your Brand. Next, let’s look at “brand favorability.” In today’s cluttered product environment, marketers are desperate to find ways to influence a consumer’s buying decision in their favor. Therefore, this stat really stands out: 83% of consumers stated that they are more likely to do business with brands from which they receive promotional products than with other brands.

The Ultimate Reaction: Promotional Items Drive Brand Loyalty

Perhaps you’ve heard of the “80/20 rule.” It essentially says that the largest percentage of your business comes from a relatively small percentage of your customers. As a result, it makes excellent business sense to build customer loyalty however you can.

Promotional products help you do just that. Survey results show promotional products increase brand loyalty among consumers who receive them—see full details in the chart below. Brand loyalty is the “gold standard” of lifetime customer value. Amazing what a flash drive, coffee mug, or other promotional item can accomplish!

Promotional items increase brand loyalty among consumers who receive them

Get a Reaction from Your Targets—Act Today

Promotional items can have a direct impact on sales success. But how can you make sure they inspire your customers to take the actions you want them to? We can help you put together a promotional item plan that will generate the response that translates directly into sales and onto your bottom line.

Contact Superior today or get in touch with one of our award-winning promotional item sales reps and ask for a free promotional item audit.

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Catch up on the rest of the posts in this series: 

Survey: Consumers Say Promotional Items Are the BEST Advertising: Part 1 of 6

What is the REACH of Promotional Items?: Part 2 of 6

What is Consumer Recall of Promotional Items?: Part 3 of 6

Will Promotional Items RESONATE With Your Consumers and Prospects?: Part 4 of 6

How Do Consumers React to Promotional Items? Part 5 of 6

What Is The Relative Value of Promotional Items?: Part 6 of 6

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