You Won’t Get Their Business If You Don’t Get Their Attention with Promotional Marketing Items! Running an auto dealership is no small undertaking. It requires complex planning and financial acumen, as well as a great understanding of what customers are seeking. But...
Turn Consumer Trends Into Sales Tips You Can Use Last week, I shared a visionary document released by Ford Motor Company. The article, based on the results of multiple surveys, includes candid discussions of modern trends, and how Ford is responding to those trends. I...
What Are The Benefits To Using IRC Labels? Last week, I gave you some basic information about Instant Redeemable Coupon (IRC) labels. There’s a reason you see more and more of them today while shopping, or even browsing your favorite newspaper or magazine. Actually,...
Secret Weapon IRC Labels, Also Known as Instant Redeemable Coupons, Spur On-the-spot Sales! Simply put, Instant Redeemable Coupons or IRC labels are labels affixed to products and/or printed pieces, that customers can just peel off to grab immediate savings or take...
Here Are 3 Effective Ways to Increase Sales at Your Auto Dealership Guest Post by Marshall Englebrook We asked one of our sales specialists here at Superior Business Solutions, Marshall Englebrrok, how he helps his auto dealership clients increase their sales in a...
Increasing Sales Through Relational Marketing Strategies Marketing is about relationships between real people, and though this is stressed a lot, it is also continuously overlooked. We wouldn’t be saying this if we didn’t think it needed saying. You have...