Want to Generate Double Digit Savings in Manufacturing?

Screen shot 2014-05-13 at 9.07.59 AMToday, manufacturers are facing many dilemmas. From smaller workforces to sustainability issues and manufacturing plants moving out of the United States and overseas, the complexities being faced by our friends in the manufacturing industry are complex. We have many longstanding client relationships in the manufacturing industry from automotive and transportation to food and beverage and everything in between, and we have found one sure way to help our manufacturers reduce their spend levels by 10-20%.

It’s Time to Automate

One sure fire way to see a decrease in your spend levels in manufacturing is to streamline processes and redundancies, right? And in today’s fast paced world of manufacturing, one sure fire way to streamline is to utilize technology in purchasing all of your print collateral. And guess what? It’s not hard.

Our clients find upwards of a 10-20% decrease in spend levels when we help them implement our Corporate Kiosk™ technology. A Corporate Kiosk will allow your manufacturing facility to create custom applications for optimizing inventory, procurement, and spend management efficiency for print materials including forms, contracts, labels, stationery, tags, promotional items, and other materials and supplies. Usage is controlled and can be implemented for 1% to 100% of your enterprise ecosystem depending on your needs.

And don’t think THIS technology is out of reach due to price. Corporate Kiosk is a hosted platform, so no new capital expenditures are required. Plus, we custom configure your Corporate Kiosk to support your facility’s specific policies, processes, and workflow.

With Corporate Kiosk e-Procurement Technology, you will:

  • Streamline the procurement process
  • Reduce administrative costs through workflow automation
  • Ensure compliance with corporate purchasing rules
  • Generate mass adoption driven by ease-of-use and a unified ordering experience
  • Realize instant ROI with no new capital expenditures
  • Integrate e-procurement with your existing ERP and other procurement systems
  • Provide greater transparency in administration
  • Implement paperless, eco-friendly procurement
  • Closely monitor spend
  • Eliminate the limitations of distance for distributed organizations (Web based system, anytime anywhere e-procurement)
  • Eliminate procurement cost differences between departments
  • Generate on-demand inventory, procurement, and spend reporting

How Would Corporate Kiosk Work for You?

To find out how implementing Corporate Kiosk into your manufacturing facility would work for you, please fill out the contact form HERE and be sure to visit the Corporate Kiosk website to learn more.

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